Post by gimmabob on Dec 1, 2007 4:53:39 GMT
Modern economy has transformed its image, from a product-driven one to demand-driven economy. This has empowered customers a lot. Beyond customer satisfaction and delight, the business firm should make a genuine relationship with the customers to succeed in their endeavor. A long lasting connection with the customers will give more return to the enterprise and customers will take up an advertising role for the firm. CRM or Customer Relationship Management articulates all the concepts related to customers in a business. The main concepts are marketing, customer service, loyalty programs and cross-channel recognition of customers. CRM can be taken as a business method that enhances loyalty and sales with the customers. An efficient CRM team can accommodate and hold customers for business enterprises. CRM will aim in a close understanding of the customers, tracking results of the marketing steps and keep in touch with customers for a long interval. Web is the easiest way to implement customer relationship management programs. Communication methods in Web are cost-effective and cheap, so CRM programs through web will be inexpensive for companies. And Web is an effective way to move customer information among all the channels where sales associates might need it. Use of email and community websites to transfer information to the client is an easy way both for the business and the client.
Post by concretedonkey on Dec 1, 2007 13:54:25 GMT
erm.... wow. lot of buisness talk there my friend, you seem to know your stuff. I don't know yet but is this advertising?, not sure, I'll wait till RJ or someone comes along to decide
join me on a journey through time and space
Posts: 35
Post by ninjelephant on Dec 4, 2007 17:00:26 GMT
Post by RJ on Dec 15, 2007 10:17:29 GMT
WDF?? this is advertising my friend. you signed up to post that!! closed